Our Values


BRAIV Foundation’s board believes in transparency.

One of the things that bothers the members of our board is how much money other foundations spend on their “general and administrative” activities. We know this is of concern to many donors and is a problem generally in the area of philanthropy. With some charitable organizations, less than half of the money goes to the charitable mission. Typically, the average amount a charitable foundation allocates to “general, administrative, and fundraising,” activities is 30%. 

We want our donors and our supporters to know what we’re doing and why. That’s the value that drives our mission to use as much of the money we raise as possible directly in our mission activities. It’s also why we set public goals in our fundraising and we explain to our donors in annual reports how our money was spent. While we know there are costs to our activities – we believe it is a shared responsibility between the board and our donors to maximize our mission activities. The only way to do that is through being as transparent as possible about the money we take in and how our operations work.


BRAIV Foundation’s board believes in diligence.

What does that mean? It means we have a thorough process for vetting the organizations and research programs that we fund with donor money. Our board meets with promising organizations and we hear their requests. Those requests are then evaluated by our team and we solicit the opinions of experts in evaluating the requests we receive. 

This diligence takes time – which is the downside of that process. Our vetting requires us to examine an organization, its leadership, and its mission before we consider whether BRAIV will fund that organization’s activities.

Donors should feel confident that the organizations and individuals sponsored are those who are deserving, are likely to make the greatest impact, and are the most consistently aligned with BRAIV Foundation’s mission of helping those suffering from brain cancer and traumatic brain injuries.

Tangible Results

BRAIV Foundation’s board believes in tangible results.

This is by far the most difficult thing for us to communicate to donors and supporters. 

BRAIV Foundation believes in the phrase “people helping people.” Our goal is to provide real support and assistance to those suffering from brain cancer and traumatic brain injury. The Foundation believes it can achieve its mission through two primary activities: direct support to those suffering and sponsoring research with high probability of dramatic breakthrough treatment.

Thus, we look for opportunity where we can provide a tangible result to patients and researchers. 


BRAIV Foundation’s board believes in philanthropy.

All of the members of the Board of Directors of BRAIV Foundation donate their time and their talents. We do so because we believe that BRAIV’s mission is a worthwhile one. 

Our partners similarly donate their time and talents.

BRAIV Foundation’s objective is to provide as much support and help as we can, thus, those who work for the foundation do so because they strongly believe in philanthropy and the idea of service to others.